42 – Snowy Hydro Scheme – Pt 5 – Completion

This episode concludes the series exploring the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme; the vast hydro electric, and irrigation project, that began in 1949 and was under construction for 25 years. 

As well as providing much needed electricity  and irrigation water to a soon to be booming Australia, the international workforce helped usher in the era of Multiculturalism, and the project developed engineering expertise and pride, at a time of great optimism in Australia.

(52 mins)

Brilliant stories from Australia’s past!

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Celebrating Multiculturalism.
Tumut 3 Pressure Pipeline 1970 (Pipeliner jnl)
Tumut Hydro power station (Wiki)
Circuit diagram 1952 (NAA 4441712)
Murray 2 under construction 1962 (SnowyHydro)
Operations-Maintenance (SnowyHydro)
1970 – Lowering a turbine head cover at Tumut 3. (SnowyHydro)


Podcast recommendation:  Flatpack History of Sweden


Conversations: Interview with Siobhan McHugh.  https://www.abc.net.au/radio/programs/conversations/siobhan-mchugh-snowy-scheme-rpt/12047818

McHugh, S. (2019). The Snowy : a history (Anniversary edition. ed.): Sydney, NSW, Australia : NewSouth. ISBN:9781742236223I

Siobhan McHugh webpage: The Snowy.  https://siobhanmchugh.org/the-snowy/

Robinson, F., National Occupational Health and Safety Commission, & La Trobe University Department of History. (2000). A study of occupational health and safety practice in the construction of the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme. Camperdown, N.S.W. : National Occupational Health and Safety Commission. ISBN:0646394045I

NMA: Defining Momentshttps://www.nma.gov.au/defining-moments/resources/snowy-mountains-hydro  

David Hunt – Animation NMA:     https://youtu.be/xtluvJQwYK4

Adeland, J.H. (2002).Bridging Troubled Water:  Social Capital and the Snowy River. (Masters). Australian National University, Retrieved from https://openresearch-repository.anu.edu.au/handle/1885/148716

Gray, C. M. (1956). THE SNOWY MOUNTAINS SCHEME. Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, 104(4988), 887-910. Retrieved from www.jstor.org/stable/41365921. ISSN:00359114I

Kociumbas, J. Myths, men and history: the making of the Snowy mystique. JRAHS, 88.

Magee, O.  2006.  Building and selling the Snowy.  Quadrant.  May.

Snowy Mountains Hydro-electric Authority. (1969). SNOWY MOUNTAINS HYDRO-ELECTRIC AUTHORITY TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 1968-69 (30 June 1969). Retrieved from https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-845449891

Snowy Mountains Hydro-electric Authority. (1974).SNOWY MOUNTAINS HYDRO-ELECTRIC AUTHORITY TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR 1973-74 (September  1974). Retrieved from https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-844217023

Erskine, W.D. et al.  1999.  Recovery of the Snowy River: Politics and river rehabilitation.  Australian Geographical  Studies.  37(3) pp330-336.  November.

For Sale: the Snowy Hydro.  (Transcript) Sunday 19 Feb, 2006.  ABC Radio National.  Retrieved from https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/archived/nationalinterest/for-sale-the-snowy-hydro-transcript-available/3302718.

Grazing in the Australian Alps.  Australian Alps National Parks: Education resource – Grazing.  Retrieved from https://theaustralianalps.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/grazing.pdf

Use of the Snowy River waters: Immense Hydro-elecric power possibilities. The Commonwealth Engineer.  September 1947. https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-89037351

Snowy River to flow again:  http://www.abc.net.au/worldtoday/stories/s196582.htm

Snowy: Stories from former workers and families of the Snowy Mountains Scheme.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOUJv4HaFIU

 Hurst, D & Morton, A. (2020) Snowy Hydro 2.0 wins federal ‘thumbs-up’ – despite environmental fears. The Guardian. Tue 30 June.

The Best of the Years, 1974: Snowy Mountains Scheme opened.  http://tlf.dlr.det.nsw.edu.au/learningobjects/Content/R11344/object/r7167.html

Snowy Hydro awards $5.1b contract.  https://tatimes.com.au/snowy-hydro-awards-5-1b-contract/

Snowy Hydro videos:




 Snowy Slide Collection NLA: https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-144085975

SnowyHydro:  https://www.snowyhydro.com.au/

Images SnowyHydro:  https://www.snowyhydro.com.au/news/galleries/

Heritage Story – Alps – The Dulugar.  https://youtu.be/Q-iSgsr9R-E
