Douglas Mawson’s expedition was well underway, and the teams from the Cape Denison base had returned after completing their various research programs.
All except Mawson and his team.
They had undertaken the most ambitious and distant trek, and were now overdue.
We turn our attention to the trek Mawson, Ninnis & Mertz undertook for the AAE.
Brilliant stories from Australia’s past!
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References: Ep 24
Mawson’s Huts Replica Museum, Hobart.
Hall, L. (2011). Douglas Mawson: The life of an explorer. Sydney: New Holland Publishers.
Jacka, F., & Jacka, E. (1988). Mawson’s Antarctic diaries. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
Ayres, P. (1999). Mawson: a life. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press.
Cleland, J., & Southcott, R. (1969). Hypervitaminosis a in the Antarctic in the Australasian Antarctic Expedition of 1911‐1914: A possible explanation of the illnesses of Mertz and Mawson. Medical Journal of Australia, 1(26), 1337-1392.
Dash, M. (2012). The most terrible polar exploration ever: Douglas Mawson’s Antarctic journey. Retrieved from
Australian Antactic Division. (2019). Australian Antarctic Division: Sidney Jeffryes. Retrieved from
FitzSimons, P. (2011). Mawson and the ice men of the heroic age : Scott, Shackleton and Amundsen. North Sydney, N.S.W.: William Heinemann.
Leane, E., Norris, K., & Maddison, B. (2018). Remembering Sidney Jeffryes and the darker side of our tales of Antarctic heroism. The Conversation. Retrieved from
Research stations & claims. Retrieved from
Royal Geographical Society, L., 1914: Map courtesy Australian Antarctic Division (Cartographer). Regional Map Australasian Antarctic Expedition 1911-14. Retrieved from
Sidney Jeffryes (Wikipedia). (2019). Retrieved from
Clark, S. (2016). Children of Midgard: Abela Publishing
(Music included: CC Dmitriy Samoylenko – Old Forms Must Die,
CC Backyard_Music_Happy_Birthday_to_ya )